Data Center
Data Center Engineer is not a new field. However, most technologists in the field are focused into just one silo without understanding the whole picture. In the 1990's and the 2000's it was fine to specialize in Linux, Solaris or Windows. Or perhaps specialize in Networking or storage. And possibly not storage, list EMC or NetApp, you could specialize in merely the fabric like Nrocade or Cisco MDS.
Those days are over. Today, you have to know Hosts, Virtualization, Networking, Storage and Hardware, all at the same time. In particular, how the setting on one technology will impact another. A good example s connecting a VMware ESX host to Networking. Excerpt for LACP, VMware has no definitive label for bonding links. Active / active is not a clear etherchannel protocol that your can communicate to a network engineer. Exmaples like this are prevalent throughout the data center.
When you're looking to hire in this increasingly complex field you need a partner that has over a devade of experience weith stagg that has been in the trenches and not only understandsthe whole picture, but also can help bring the talent you really need to get your problems solved.
At CaliberTec we don't want to just get you another warm body for your data center, but the right person for the right job.
Some of the positions we help fill are
- Data Center Support Specialists
- Enterprise Architect
- Data Center Operator
- Sr. Network Engineer
- Data Ops Administrator
- Sr. VpIP Engineer
- Systems Administrator